Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to deliver constructive feedback

They say that practice makes perfect. And that cannot be truer than with OCMC. But, all the practicing in the world is not helpful if as team members we are not given feedback on what we can improve upon and what we are doing well.  Although, we need it and may not ask for it there is one thing that feedback should always be; constructive, but what is constructive feedback? It is defined as: "Communication which alerts an individual to an area in which his/her performance could improve."(

It is important to note that constructive feedback is not criticism, but there are certain things that must be kept in mind when delivering feedback, including: 

  • Reinforcing positive behavior
  • Suggesting an alternate behavior 
  • Being specific rather than general
  • Delivering the feedback as soon as possible after the presentation or event
  • Being sensitive to the presenter's feelings 
  • Ensuring that the feedback is directed at the behavior that needs to be improved rather than at the presenter

The members of the OCMC team keep these general rules in mind when delivering feedback to fellow teammates during practice by using a strategy called "commend, recommend, commend." Each time that a group or individual presents we are required to give feedback. During these feedback sessions we commend an aspect of the presentation that we enjoyed or found effective, offer a specific and useful recommendation of something that can be improved upon and then acknowledge another aspect of the presentation that we thought was well done or engaging. 

 Using a "commend, recommend, commend" strategy allows the members of the OCMC team to receive feedback in a supportive rather than critical way that lets them know that it is okay to make mistakes and that their teammates are there to help. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012


They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and after a long dark winter OCMC has returned with FULL FORCE for 2012! This year the team is full of returning veterans and excited rookies all looking to make an impression on the judges during the weekend of competition November 15 and 16, 2012.

The competition will be held at Centennial College and along with the regular events, the college is sure to offer a number of special events, such as the OCMC Marketplace and the Gala Dinner which I'm sure will all reflect this year's theme for the competition: INSPIRE.

There are a few major highlights to this year's competition:

1) Paperless registration: What a great way to embrace green initiatives and save some paper! There is a handy guide to the new process available on the Centennial OCMC website to help guide everyone through the registration process. It can be found by clicking on this link

2) Renowned marketer Tony Chapman is this year's keynote speaker. Along with his keynote address students will also have the opportunity to learn from him during a special session during the two day competition.

3) The Gala Dinner Master of Ceremonies will be CBC News Network Host Suhana Meharchand. Suhana Mehardchand brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the participating students and is not to be missed.

At this point all these amazing events seem so far away, but November will arrive sooner than we all think. Get ready for an exciting, nerve-wracking and overall rewarding experience. Welcome to OCMC 2012!

Take a look at this video to see what Centennial College has in store for OCMC 2012 participants:
