Monday, September 22, 2014

Students of Humber’s OCMC team attend IAB CANADA conference…

The IAB Canada MIXX Conference is an annual event that is held downtown Toronto at the Carlu on Yonge Street, a fantastic and very unique event venue. The students of Humber’s Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition Team (OCMC) were given the opportunity to attend this event, and what an honor it was! They were greeted by fantastic volunteers upon their arrival and quickly made their way to the first of a few presentations. Derrick Li of comScore, one of the leading companies in their field, wowed the students with fantastic research on leading trends in society and detailed information on demographic trends regarding mobile/electronic advertising. 

The students were lucky enough to see presentations from professionals at the top of their industry, like Marie Josée Lamothe from Google and Martina Martinez from AOL. The conference really showed how amazing and interesting the industry can be. The information that the students of the OCMC team received was an invaluable asset that can and will be used during their preparation, and even presentations, for the annual OCMC Competition held this year in Blue Mountain, ON!