The Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition is designed to create both networking and career opportunities for students. It takes place every November, bringing together the best and brightest from all over the province. The two day event is a culmination of months of planning and preparation where students, faculty-coaches, organizers, event-volunteers, and judges (business professionals) come together to help make this event a success. 

The competition embodies the college learning experience, allowing students and professors to connect as coaches and team players. College teams are created from promising business students and faculty who work vigorously with the teams to help improve and perfect their skills.  

To find out more about OCMC and how you can get involved, please inquire at the business schools of your participating college. The following colleges are traditionally involved in the OCMC event:
  • Algonquin
  • Centennial
  • Conestoga
  • Fanshawe
  • George Brown
  • Georgian
  • Humber
  • Mohawk 
  • Niagara
  • Seneca
  • Sheridan
  • St. Clair
  • St. Lawrence
The competition takes place over two days, with Quiz Bowl occurring on the first day, followed by case analysis events and individual events on day two. Each participating Ontario college is awarded points based on performance at these events.  The points are accumulated with the results announced at the awards ceremony during the final evening banquet.

The events are as follows:

Quiz Bowl
A popular event that kicks-off the competition with participating teams cheering-on their peers in a competitive game of marketing definitions. This event sees four designated competitors from different colleges team-up to take on similar teams in an exciting sudden-death elimination showdown.

Sales Presentation
Pre-assigned competitors are given a product or service to pitch and sell to a panel of judges.

Job Interview
Pre-assigned competitors participate in a job interview simulation and attempt to land the position.

Case Study
Pre-assigned teams of two individuals from each college are given a marketing specialty in which they compete. Each team is given 30 minutes to read and prepare a case presentation behind closed doors.  After 30 minutes, the teams are escorted to an area where they have 15 minutes to pitch and sell their plan to a panel of judges. The judges respond with a 5 minutes Q & A and mark each team based on an established set of criteria.

Specialty areas are as follows:
  • Sales account management
  • International marketing
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Direct marketing
  • Integrated marketing communications
  • Marketing research
  • Retailing
Feedback from the judges for each event is provided to the college-teams in subsequent weeks, with the top teams announced during the awards ceremony at the end of the competition.

Interested participants are advised to contact their business schools for further details.