Psst….I have a confession to make… I am addicted to OCMC. It’s apart of my DNA.
Hi, I am Cheryl Dowell, Professor at Algonquin College and the faculty lead for our OCMC team.
For 5 years I have been working side by side with fantastic faculty coaches, close to 100 OCMC students and numerous industry professionals. And in the OCMC world…I am considered a “newbie”. Just imagine what knowledge and experience the seasoned OCMC coaches have (Be sure to tap into it!)
Why am I apart of OCMC? Why do I come back every year? Well, really, it is pure selfishness. Yes, I said selfish…….it just makes me feel SO good! Why not!
To see the bright eyed, eager, yet nervous students at the first OCMC meeting, then moving on to the one-on-one ‘motivational’ talks to get through the midterms, assignments, extra coaching sessions, work, and remain sane. To the pre-prep room walk in the hotel just before the competition. Ahhhh, who would NOT want to be apart of this!!!!
OCMC is not easy. It is WORK. Hard work. Ask any of the alumni and faculty coaches. At my first team meeting, I particularly stress that if you honestly believe that you have everything it takes to be apart of this competition then leave now (ouch!) OCMC is a learning curve. It is an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge outside of the classroom from experienced coaches. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Take full advantage of it.
I have another confession to make. Come closer now. Ready?
Last October – about 6 weeks before OCMC 2010, which by the way was truly AMAZING! The live band, the dancing – the celebrations - WOW - it was very memorable! Congratulations Sheridan College – you sure know how to throw a Gala.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes, my confession #2. Last October…. about 6 weeks before OCMC 2010, I found myself rethinking my role. Bluntly, I said to myself: ‘If I don’t see any major results this year (higher rankings), then this will be my last year. I just can’t handle the work load and the added pressures.’
Pretty selfish eh?!
Why am I telling you this? To show you that we are ALL human. When the going gets tough….some run, some hide, and some stay for the fight. I was ready to walk away, but then my team supported me (both students and coaches),they gave me the strength to keep moving. Within the week, I was back up fighting for our tomorrows! This is what OCMC is all about. Sure the medals and rankings are great; but, in the end it is the family, friends, support that makes us who we are.
Words of advice: mid October (AKA the breaking point). Everything seems to be due. Students are feeling it with group projects, midterms, presentations…oh, and then there is OCMC on top of it with coaching sessions, team meetings, fundraising, researching, and shopping for “that” amazing outfit!
Faculty are feeling the same breaking point pressures. Group issues, marking, midterm prep, marking, OCMC logistics, coaching sessions, course prep work, marking, committee meetings. I think we get the picture here.
So, what sets us apart? Nothing? What brings up closer together? Determination. Purpose. To better ourselves and the people around us. OCMC!
To the OCMC 2011 competitors: “no pain no gain”. Be ready for it, have your support systems in place. Bond with your team. Walk the talk. Be ready for the fight. And best of all, ENJOY this once in a lifetime experience. I keep coming back. I am fortunate to have this option. Its apart of my DNA. I know that by November 2011, you will also have OCMC in your DNA. As you become OCMC Alumni, you will also want to come back and give back.
To the OCMC 2011 coaches: THANK YOU! Keep up the worthwhile fight. You are making a valuable difference. It is not easy but truly rewarding.
See you all at Humber in November.
Cheryl Dowell
Tweet: @profdowell