Friday, October 18, 2013

Humber OCMC: Koolness with a Twist

I want to take you back to your good old high school days. No matter how long ago it was when you attended high school there were always some very distinctive groups within the school. You had the goths, the jocks, the popular kids, the nerds, the geeks and the list goes on. Most of all in every school there was always that one person who was considered to be, the kool kid.

The kool kid was usually mysterious, likely passionate about their favorite hobbies or interests, and very likable. The popular kids respected the kool kid and everybody enjoyed their company.
Once you’ve been accepted into the Humber OCMC family, you can become this kool kid but with a difference. Like the kool kid you will develop your personality by being yourself, confident, social, and positive as we work in a team environment. The difference is that you are part of the Humber OCMC team and you will need to work exceptionally hard to represent Humber College at the competition with your marketing knowledge. You must continue to develop your interests in marketing, by reading up on the topic and keeping up to date on current events. By developing this interest you are changing your perception of the marketing world.

To take us one step further in changing our perception in the marketing world is Ellen Sparling. Each week she provides us with lectures about analyzing a case and current marketing information. She teaches us about topics such as the threats and opportunities to ensure we can do a SWOT analysis correctly. Ellen also showed us the importance of the Canadian privacy laws and how the laws can affect a business.

The final element, and most difficult to master, in being part of the Humber OCMC team is to be able to create a great first impression. The kool kid was always able to create a very memorable first impression and made others want to see them again. When making a first impression the kool kid would always have good body language, be assertive, and never forget to smile. By using these three tricks of a kool kid to your advantage you will be able to make a great first impression with the judges at the competition.

The bottom line is that kool kids weren't like anyone else and didn't want to be. They were good at creating their own footsteps and took the risks that went with it. That is the same for the Humber OCMC team with the addition of good old fashioned hard work.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Humber OCMC: The Challenge

When I first signed up for the Humber OCMC I understood it was going to be a challenge. In order to succeed in this competition, I knew I was going to have to put in a lot of time, effort, and commitment in order to stand a chance at the competition.

I remember when Nicholas and I completed our first case during the summer with adviser Sheryn Beattie, it was a grueling experience. We only had an hour to complete practice case. We managed to finish with only a minute to spare. I must say, that was one of the most stressful challenges in my life.

Being part of the Humber OCMC is an experience I will not soon forget. The best experience is working as a team with a mentor guiding us through the preparation phase. OCMC has provided us with the greatest opportunity to better our presenting skills with personal feedback from Christine McCaw. We had the opportunity to have Susan Typert from Black Cat come and speak to us. She is an excellent speaker and gave some advice on how to make an excellent presentation. Lastly, by being part of the OCMC we were invited to attend the IAB MIXX event and gained an enormous amount of knowledge about current Internet marketing trends.

The best part about OCMC is that this journey has just begun. I’m excited to see what the future holds for all of us. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will bring us closer to doing very well at the competition.